
Cupione (formerly Synovizen) is
a bio-venture company that holds global
patents for Sialyllactose, which has shown
remarkable efficacy in treating and preventing
Osteoarthritis and Degenerative arthritis.

큐피원은 골관절염, 퇴행성관절염 치료와 예방에 뛰어난 효능을 보인 차세대 물질 시알릴락토스 (Sialyllactose) 국내/외 특허권을 보유한 유망 바이오 벤처 기업입니다.

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Cupione has discovered novel effects of Sialyllactose, previously unknown, in the regeneration of cartilage and inhibition of inflammation. These effects have been confirmed through In-vitro and In-vivo experiments. Also, we have completed(in progress) the domestic and international patent applications. We are now seeking to discover the ideal partner for expanding into the global market and collaborating together.

큐피원에서는 지금까지 알려지지 않았던 시알릴락토스(Sialyllactose)의 새로운 효능인 연골재생 및 염증억제 효과를 발견하였고, In-vitro 및 In-vivo실험에서 그 효능을 확인하였습니다. 그리고 국내외 특허출원을 완료(진행)하였고, 글로벌 시장 개척을 함께할 최적의 파트너를 발굴하고 함께 협력할 방안을 모색 중에 있습니다.

Cartilage regeneration and inflammation inhibition effects
Prevention and therapeutic effects on osteoarthritis
연골재생 및 염증 억제 효과
퇴행성 관절염 예방 및 치료효과
One of the human milk oligosaccharides(HMOs) present in colostrum, is known to have various effects such as improvement of brain function (in terms of brain cell composition), immune enhancement(acting as an anti-allergic agent by suppressing immune hyperactivation), and prebiotic properties(acting as an antibiotic by inhibiting harmful pathogens). It is recognized for its advantages of having no known side effects when consumed.
초유내에 존재하는 HMO(human milk oligosaccharide, 모유 올리고당) 물질 중 하나로 두뇌 기능 향상(뇌세포 구성), 면역 강화(면역 과흥분 억제를 통한 항알러지제 역할), 프리바이오틱스(유해 감염균 억제를 통한 항생제 역할) 등 다양한 효과가 있는 것으로 알려져 있으며, 복용시 부작용이 없다는 장점이 있습니다.


Global Patent Status ※ International application number(PCT) : PCT/KR2017/010489


United States Registration #US 11291676, #US 11672815

Australia Registration #2017394752

Japan Registration #JP6696056

European Union Application #EP3572087
(Also validated in Spain, Switzerland, and U.K)

Korea Registration #10-1773066, #10-1773067

Under review

China Application #202311014518.6

Hong Kong Application (Under review) #62020002534.9
(To be updated)



  • Degenerative

  • Using
    Sialyllactose시알릴락토스를 이용하여

  • Osteoarthritis

  • 01Health
    Functional Food
    건강 기능 식품

  • 02Injectable

  • 03Pet
    Functional Food
    동물 건강 식품


시노비젠은 큐피원의 이전사명입니다. Synovizen is the former name of Cupione.

Contact us

Contact us if any inquiries regarding business or patent usage, and any supports사업 및 특허 사용문의, 기타 궁금하신 내용이 있으시면?


7th Floor, 520 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea서울시 강남구 테헤란로 520, 삼안빌딩 7층

Tel 02-6925-4200

Copyright © CUPIONE. All Rights Reserved